Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My River and Fears

You know it is interesting how your past can really mess you up. My anxiety, where does it come from. I think it steams from when I was you being left alone a lot. To be left alone to be strong, or did it steam from the fighting and craziness I witnessed when I was little the fighting, the death, how no one came to me when Carlos died or did I even expect anyone to. Did come from when I left to Colorado and no family was around but whetever no was around anyway but I searched for mates to be with any way so I wouldnt be alone. I always had boyfriends so I wasnt alone but maybe I needed to be. I know I am anxious and afraid of everything falling apart and I am tired of it and want it to let go of my soul and my body. I dont want the berden anymore. Please let me breath, please let my sigh when I need. Please mind let me soul breath to give me life and hope and to live here. Here is wonderful and bright. Really wonderful and bright.
My river provides me so much peace. thank the heavens for leading me to the peace and process

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